Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Akhirnya masuk juga (ke IEEExplore)

Entah kenapa pagi ini tadi aku seperti agak narsis, iseng googling nama sendiri digabung dengan nama supervisorku di UNSW dulu menjadi seperti ini: "irfansyah lehmann" ,


hihihi alhamdulillah ternyata google mencantumkan adanya link dari domain ieeexplore.ieee.org, hehehe...

Dan bener. Hihihi... sekarang namaku muncul kalau di-search di website http://ieeexplore.ieee.org, bisa dilihat saudara2x (iya, ini adalah promosi :p), link ke halaman abstrak nya yang langsung di sini niy:

(kalau ngga langganan, memang ga bisa dibuka full text-nya, maaf...)

Isinya adalah salah satu bab di thesis s2 ku, yang sayangnya gak terlalu memuaskan sebenarnya. Dan, hingga hari ini thesis s2 ku sendiri belum jelas nasibnya, apakah diterima, ataukah ditolak, atau diterima dengan revisi... :-(

(update berita terbaru, Prof. Kwok memberi kabar bahwa hasil dari examiner yang terakhir sudah masuk, jadi sekarang tinggal nunggu dari beliau nya aja)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Catatan harian yang terlupakan

Yesterday i decided to do some maintenance work on my old Dell latitude which is getting slower and slower everyday. Page file usage, according to the monitor thing that shows up when you press ctrl-alt-del, was unbelievable high, more than 600MB! (my laptop has only 256MB of RAM)

So you can imagine how desperate i was to free up more memory usage (trading in this old laptop for a newer one did come across my mind, but soon vanished as i realised i had no budget for it :p).

As usual, when this happens, you can do several actions. The easiest thing to do is clean up the desktop (mine was full of icons).

And that's when i found an unfamiliar file called "worklog.txt".

I opened it.

Lol, it's my own stupid work diary! (i forgot i had one)

It's interesting to know that many of my plans written there were quite impressive, even though not much of these were ever carried out. (sad)

An example of what it said: (LoL i'm such a lazy bloke!)

Tuesday 22 April 2008 9.24pm

Woke up 9.30am this morning, got to work a bit late in the noon. Went to Ibu's kantor first to bring Polycrol for ibu.

Work done today:

1. Started panduan praktikum elkadig about programmable logic and VHDL. Made CUPL sample program (shift register) and has been tested. Remaining tasks: implement the same circuit in VHDL and decide design project assignment. Candidates for design project:
- simple hamming encoder and decoder plus error detection
- look ahead carry adder? (review adder structures)
- pulse width measurer (counter)
- customized stepper motor controller

2. Learnt WinSIM (simulation for WinCUPL) which gave me some headache. Still can't figure out why simulation results of the shift register sample app is still wrong (not completely correct). Will probably look at Cypress Warp for the simulation instead.

3. Downloaded and evaluated DIPTRACE free pcb design software. Looks okay. The plan is to create PCB designs for:
- GalBlast minimum effort GAL programmer
- ATMega16 board
Also, managed to install Endnote. Proves handy for writing lecture materials (want to show proper referencing)

4. Decapsulated an AT89C51, and several discrete transistor components. Still puzzled on how discrete bipolar transistor components are fabricated, and what their structure should actually look like. (the decapsulated components were observed through the lab's microscope, and they look very interesting. make sure photographs of them are taken tomorrow morning)

5. Revised summary of bipolar transistor document for eldas class (a tiny revision). Still need to work on transistor biasing and small signal analysis. (not a big priority)

6. Helped praktikum elektronika dasar, and learnt that even though coupling capacitors on the input of amplifiers are supposed to remove any DC components, the fact shows that any DC offset from the signal source will distort the output signal, and in effect reduces gain. The cause of this problem remains a mystery, should try to look at this problem again.

Oh yeh just to show you one result i've got from the plans mentioned above is this picture: (microscope photographs)

Hmm... i think i'll keep this file on the desktop. Look's useful =p

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Kopi Jos and Chitato rasa sapi panggang

I want to talk about food this time.

First, kopi jos. It's coffee, with flaming hot charcoal thrown into it. The taste? Bitter, and chewy. You can have these in angkringans right next to Tugu Railway Station, Jogja, on the northern side of it. Don't ask me about its higiene. All i can tell you is that i survive.

And then, there's Chitato, without doubt one of the most popular potato chips in Indonesia. Surprisingly though, the one with "Beef Barbecue Seasoning" has a very spicy hot taste! I don't know why they did not put a warning sign "Caution: Spicy hot" so that people who can't stand hot food (like myself) wouldn't get harmed. (i get stomachaches everytime after eating spicy food) They also should put the word "chilli" or "pepper" on its package. (which they don't... hello? Balai POM?)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Great. Somebody's been googling my name!

I started blogging since 2005 only because I knew a friend's blog which looked cool! (puji.blogspot.com, but apparently it's no longer maintained). Along the way, i've posted probably dozens of stupid posts, but who would imagined that some of those random thoughts turns out to be the reasons most of my blog's visitors came to pay a visit to the stupid blog of mine...

With the help of google analytics, i can know exactly how many visitors came to read my blog, with details of their location, time, url referral, and... most interestingly... search engine keyword.

According to google analytics' report of my blog, here's the ten most popular search engine keywords which led visitors to my blog for the past one year:

1. tinjauan pustaka
2. mikroprosesor
3. irfan
4. selamat lebaran
5. berpikir kritis
6. balik nama stnk
7. schmitt trigger
8. foto jogja
9. tips bangun pagi
10. astria nur irfansyah

Great. Somebody's been googling my name! :-(

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"Maaf, Anda harus mengulang"

Entah saya ini salah apa ya, baru pertama kali nya seumur-umur ikut menguji pendadaran S1, kenapa harus sudah langsung memberi nilai "TIDAK LULUS" kemarin...


But we had to. (penguji diketuai pak BST, lalu ada pak PYM dan pak Bondan)

Oke, saya memang masih baru di bidang belajar-mengajar ini, tapi setidaknya ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya penting yang harus dimiliki seorang calon sarjana (teknik elektro):

1. Kalau skripsi yang ditulis adalah pembuatan alat, maka sang mahasiswa ybs setidaknya harus tahu secara teknis dan mendetil cara kerja alatnya sendiri. Kalau tidak tahu kan berarti bisa dicurigai yang aneh2..

2. Presentasi skripsi harus mengikuti pola pikir researcher umumnya, yaitu (a) apa masalahnya, (b) gimana cara mengatasi masalah itu, (c) hasil yang dikerjakan, dan (d) kesimpulan nya, apakah berhasil atau tidak, dengan catatan atau tidak... Bagian kesimpulan jangan diremehkan, banyak yang salah tentang hal ini, kesimpulan itu harus didapat dari hasil kerjaan, bukan sekedar ringkasan pekerjaan... Dan, yang paling penting, kesimpulan harus ilmiah dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, jangan mengira-ngira atau asal nulis...

3. Istilah-istilah teknis sebaiknya dipergunakan pada konteksnya secara lazim... Penggunaan kosakata berbau teknis yang digunakan tidak pada tempatnya akan memperparah citra ybs, karena memberi kesan ybs seolah2 tahu padahal sebenarnya tidak tahu...

Buat mas yang kemarin kami "dadar", maaf ya anda terpaksa kami minta mengulang pendadaran... bukan mengulang skripsinya koq, cuma mengulang pendadaran... semoga nanti bisa lebih baik lagi ya... SEMANGAT!!! :p