Saturday, March 12, 2005

Sleep Here, There, and Anywhere...Zzz.... (episode 2)

Something very embarrassing happened this afternoon. As usual i was sitting in front of my laptop, at my lab. It was about 1.30pm, according to my lab's innacurate clock. I was doing my work (yup, coding) when suddenly i felt very comfortable with the cool air from the air conditioner just near me. Without thinking, i put my head on top of my arms on top of my desk.

Suddenly, i heard the voice of Samuel, my friend, who was sitting on the desk in front of mine. And at that moment, my head felt very heavy and dizzy. "Oh no, i must have fall asleep", i thought. Yup, i did fall asleep: for 30 minutes! (it was 2.00pm already) And to make things more embarrassing, Pak Selo was standing next to me. If i'm not mistaken, i remembered him asking, "Tidur Fan?", or "Are you sleeping, Fan?" But i'm not sure. I was still trying to gain back my consciousness. I forgot what happened next. All i can remember is that after i woke up, something wrong was happening to my laptop. The screen was blank and it didn't respond to anything (mouse, keyboard, hard-restart).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're sleeping beauty boy.. :-D

4:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleeping is beauty :D

12:36 pm  

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