They say it's the worst drought in 100 years...
It's all over the news and radio, and television. New South Wales is facing the worst drought in a century. And if water levels continue to get low, the state government already has the initiative to build a desalination plant, probably somewhere near Botany Bay is what i've heard last year, to fulfil the city's water demands. And now, some water restrictions are already in effect, limiting people from using water for watering their gardens and filling their pools.
But, with all these worry on the harsh drought and stuff, why is it that the water we get from Sydney Waters pipes never stops running? Not to mention, they are still drinkable too.
Indonesia, in contrast, a country with so many islands and mountains with all of these tropical rainforests and no deserts... should have never worry about lacking supply of water, but unfortunately it does happen in some areas. Gunungkidul, Wonogiri, even Jakarta and Yogyakarta my own hometown, all of these places I know had some water shortage problems in the past. I remember during one musim kemarau or dry season, we couldn't take wudlu at our school because the water doesn't run. On the news, I remember seeing people buying clean water from penjual air keliling, in Jakarta, our own capitol city.
Wouldn't it be nice if we also had water restrictions, without cutting off water supply from PDAM secara bergilir?
(the impact of the drought in NSW is mostly felt by farmers apparently. To help them, Woolworths Ltd had donated all of their profits on 23 Jan 2007 for these farmers in need. And just as a side note, starting today, Woolworths Supermarket staff will wear a new uniform: green shirts, i got mine last night :D)
But, with all these worry on the harsh drought and stuff, why is it that the water we get from Sydney Waters pipes never stops running? Not to mention, they are still drinkable too.
Indonesia, in contrast, a country with so many islands and mountains with all of these tropical rainforests and no deserts... should have never worry about lacking supply of water, but unfortunately it does happen in some areas. Gunungkidul, Wonogiri, even Jakarta and Yogyakarta my own hometown, all of these places I know had some water shortage problems in the past. I remember during one musim kemarau or dry season, we couldn't take wudlu at our school because the water doesn't run. On the news, I remember seeing people buying clean water from penjual air keliling, in Jakarta, our own capitol city.
Wouldn't it be nice if we also had water restrictions, without cutting off water supply from PDAM secara bergilir?
(the impact of the drought in NSW is mostly felt by farmers apparently. To help them, Woolworths Ltd had donated all of their profits on 23 Jan 2007 for these farmers in need. And just as a side note, starting today, Woolworths Supermarket staff will wear a new uniform: green shirts, i got mine last night :D)

di kotaku sendiri, fan, banjarmasin, yang dijuluki kota seribu sungai, aku harus pake pompa untuk mengeluarkan air dari pipa ledeng, padahal di tengah kota.
:) untung di jogja masi banyak sumur ya...
padahal lautan lebih luas dibanding daratan...kok ya susa air yo.
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