Saturday, January 27, 2007

Happy Australia Day 26 Jan

Australians all let us rejoice
for we are young and free
with golden soil and wealth for toil
our home is girt by sea

Our lands abound in nature's gift
of beauty rich and rare
in history's page let every stage
advance australia fair

in joyful strain then let us sing
advance australia fair...

I never had the slightest feelings of being not proud becoming an Indonesian. So why do i have this strange yet strong feelings whenever this song is sang?? Perhaps it's because I've known this song long before I knew "Indonesia Raya". I have a bit of an emotion to this song, apparently (and perhaps, unfortunately).

Happy Australia Day.

ps: apologies for possible incorrect lyrics of the song, i only wrote what i can remember without looking at other sources.


Blogger Aya Nurdin said...

Iya udah correct kok lyric national anthemnya, tapi verse 3-nya mana? Yg ini kan baru verse 1.

2:06 pm  
Blogger Irfan said...

Verse 1 ini yang wajib dihapalkan Ya', buat upacara kecil2an, tiap senin.

Yang satunya jarang dinyanyikan di sekolah masalahnya hihi... tidak ngerti liriknya gimana...

Tahunya dari mp3...

Lalalalala southern cross..
to make this commonwealth of ours...
renown across the lands...

neneeenene nenee ne ne
with boundless gifts to share?


3:53 pm  

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