Old pictures...
It's been a while since i last posted on this blog, and it's been too long that I kept some great ideas i had during these past few weeks, which i thought would look good in my blog.. but yes... i have this memory problems... so probably we should just say goodbye to those precious ideas and events that passed by without being recorded, at least through this blog.
Hmm.. what am i talking about? Cut the chit chat, now let's go directly to these pictures of mine. I'm showing some old pics that i find interesting.
First, this is a picture of two tasmanian devils fighting each other. It seemed to be a very nasty one, i really don't know what they're quarrelling about. This was taken at Featherdale wildlife park, near Blacktown NSW.

The next picture shows a falcon. One of my brother's favourite animal. It's the fastest moving animal on earth... this falcon can fly horizontally as fast as 100 km/h, and more amazingly it can dive up to 400 km/h. I took the picture of this fabulous falcon at featherdale too, not far from the tasmanian devil's den.

Now the next one is a photograph of William Nessen. Do you think that name sounds familiar? Or how bout the face? If you lived in Indonesia around 3 or 4 years ago, you would agree with me, for sure. Yup, he's the US journalist who made it through to the Indonesian news headlines: "journalist rescued from GAM". The true story was, he's actually ON THE GAM's SIDE, and the Indonesian Army had to rescue and detained him... I took this shot after watching his documentary movie shown at UTS, about the suffering of Acehnese people under the intimidation of the cruel and ruthless Indonesian Army, as they said... but I wouldn't comment too much on this. All I can say is that the documentary was severely unbalanced and tendencious, and it just opens up the pain of the past... And just as a note, i was the only non-acehnese Indonesian there, and I was the only one who posed a question which sounded to be in opposition to the general audience.

This picture makes me drool. It's the best tasting prawns ever... We ate this at the Indonesian Consulate General's residence at Rose Bay, during the open house on Idul Fitri, 2006.

The last picture is the khutbah on the last Idul Fitri. This was at roundhouse, UNSW. We had our Idul Fitri on Monday. The majority of muslims in Sydney celebrates Ied that day. Some celebrates it the day after, like the majority of the bangladeshi and muslims from india. Did you know that the Indonesian goverment also celebrates Idul Fitri on Tuesday??

That's it for now.. i hope i could get more good pictures :)
Hmm.. what am i talking about? Cut the chit chat, now let's go directly to these pictures of mine. I'm showing some old pics that i find interesting.
First, this is a picture of two tasmanian devils fighting each other. It seemed to be a very nasty one, i really don't know what they're quarrelling about. This was taken at Featherdale wildlife park, near Blacktown NSW.

The next picture shows a falcon. One of my brother's favourite animal. It's the fastest moving animal on earth... this falcon can fly horizontally as fast as 100 km/h, and more amazingly it can dive up to 400 km/h. I took the picture of this fabulous falcon at featherdale too, not far from the tasmanian devil's den.

Now the next one is a photograph of William Nessen. Do you think that name sounds familiar? Or how bout the face? If you lived in Indonesia around 3 or 4 years ago, you would agree with me, for sure. Yup, he's the US journalist who made it through to the Indonesian news headlines: "journalist rescued from GAM". The true story was, he's actually ON THE GAM's SIDE, and the Indonesian Army had to rescue and detained him... I took this shot after watching his documentary movie shown at UTS, about the suffering of Acehnese people under the intimidation of the cruel and ruthless Indonesian Army, as they said... but I wouldn't comment too much on this. All I can say is that the documentary was severely unbalanced and tendencious, and it just opens up the pain of the past... And just as a note, i was the only non-acehnese Indonesian there, and I was the only one who posed a question which sounded to be in opposition to the general audience.

This picture makes me drool. It's the best tasting prawns ever... We ate this at the Indonesian Consulate General's residence at Rose Bay, during the open house on Idul Fitri, 2006.

The last picture is the khutbah on the last Idul Fitri. This was at roundhouse, UNSW. We had our Idul Fitri on Monday. The majority of muslims in Sydney celebrates Ied that day. Some celebrates it the day after, like the majority of the bangladeshi and muslims from india. Did you know that the Indonesian goverment also celebrates Idul Fitri on Tuesday??

That's it for now.. i hope i could get more good pictures :)
aku baru tahu tuh Tasmanian devil tu bukan binatang fantasy. kirain si Taz yang agresif, loud, dan rakus itu tokoh fiktif. habis baca postingan mu, aku langsung buka jeng Wiki, wayah, ternyata makhluk ini ada!
jadi curiga, jangan2 Marsupilami tu bener2 ada juga.
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