Friday, October 19, 2007

What i want (in particular)

Today's Friday prayers speech was very ... uhm... good. This is what the khatib told us. If you ask someone poor, what do they want? They would most likely answer they want to be rich. If you ask somebody sick, what would they want to have? A normal one would say, "i want to be healthy." If you ask a rich man, what does he or she wishes? They may answer, "I want to get richer." But suppose now, if you can ask someone who is already dead what they want, then would do you think that those dead people would answer?

Curious? Let me answer it after i tell you what I want, particularly those earthly-materialistic-oriented stuff. Here's the list:
1. Car: a Holden Commodore or a Toyota Corolla would be enough.
2. Mobile phone: a Sony Ericsson one, especially ones that are drop-resistant (is there?) and has FM radio on it. And of course, a decent camera would be just perfect.
3. Laptop: Lenovo Thinkpads. Preferably 12 inches ones, with an LPT port if possible.
4. House: a brick house with a lawn and a garage and a backyard on it so i can plant tomatoes, and can have a BBQ with friends at my very own house. Preferably in Randwick, NSW, with coastal views.
5. Motorbike: i'm not sure. Haven't followed the latest models for the past 2 years...
6. MP3 player: not really necessary. Should be included in my PDA. Oh yes! PDA...
7. PDA: a Windows-mobile based one, large RAM and a Wifi is a must. No specific brand. PDA-phone is okay too. If possible, should be easy to type in words on it.
8. Camera: DSLRs, preferably Canon EOSes.

Okay, that's more than too much to ask for. Anyway, back to the dead man's wish thing. The khotib says, one of their wishes, according to Quran, is that they want to live again just to stand up and pray a short two rakaat (unit) prayers to Allah. Simple. Yet so valuable, as what they dead people believes in. Which is also true for all of us still alive.

Another wish from a dead man is that he wants to live again and give money to charity. Because when you're dead, you bring no money with you.

I hope i can keep remembering the wisdom from the dead. I don't want to be too late to do something that i might regret later on.


Blogger Herman Saksono said...

Kok rumah to mas? Emang mau permanen di Ostrali? Atau nerusin Ph.D.?

Maaf lahir batin yo :D semoga dagangannya fresh terus

5:38 am  
Blogger Irfan said...

kok dagangan to? memangnya aku mau jualan apa?

hehe kan ga ada salahnya to pengin punya rumah di randwick, lokasi nya itu prima lho kl ta pikir2:
- tdk jauh dari city
- tdk jauh dr pantai (malah bisa kelihatan wlpun ga terlalu dekat, krn byk lokasi yg tinggi). oya, dekat pantai = suhu lebih enak
- dekat ke pusat komunitas indonesia di kingsford & maroubra (makanan indonesia berlimpah)
- dkt ke prince of wales hospital, kl2 ada apa2...

9:03 am  
Blogger Fitra Irawan said...

It's a good post...terima kasih sudah mengingatkan....

12:22 pm  

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