Friday, September 21, 2007


A couple of days ago i read a book titled "Quirkology". It's a book about our silly unconsciousness that we barely ever realise exists. One example from the book says that most people's old memories CAN BE manipulated by simply mixing some 'fiction' with truth from the past. An experiment was made, according to that book, by showing old photos from a person's past to him/her, and adding one manipulated photo that actually never existed. BUT those people eventually were able to 'recall' that moment on the fictitious manipulated photo.... silly huh? This reminds me of a terrible movie (well it's actually a great movie, i was just disgusted of how evil a man can be), "The Prestige". The power of a magician is not in his/her ability to do magic. It's actually the skill of illusions. Magicians are experts in creating illusions. They take advantage of our weakness as described in the Quirkology book. So, beware... this very world can be an illusion bwahahaha.... (urip iku mung mampir ngombe, as javanese people say)


Anonymous Journalistgirl86 said...

I believe this world is an illusion.

That is the basis of my faith.Obviously i can't be too vocal about it in Indonesia.Since most of us as well as the world is heavily imprisoned in a set of rules and dogma instead of letting your mind wander freely and experience your beliefs in reality.

Everything basically is an illusion to me.Creation,Satan...even God as we know it.Except a small part of us that i have yet to learn real.

Regarding the book.I actually have a pre-birth experience..where i remembered a place before i was born and even my own birth.I know obviously after reading "Quirckology" you might dismiss it as being "Influenced" by external factors.But you see..i saw myself being born on a clinic floor in West Jakarta from this papuan woman in shock and blood everywhere..and all my life nobody ever mentioned that.And when i was 16 i told my mother and she said yeah it's true the day you were born you almost died.And it was on the floor.An emergency.

So if NOBODY ever told me that.And i mentioned a memory that was confirmed as a FACT by two PEOPLE (my mother and my doctor)..then it should be True.

I don't want to get into further discussions about pre-birth existence or reincarnation but if your interested look it up some people have experiences like that.

So it is fair to assume that ALL memories CAN be maniplulated.But not ALL memories WERE manipulated.In my case.It wasn't.

11:43 pm  

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