Saturday, February 23, 2008

Electrical power

We now live in a world where electricity and telecommunications are all taken for granted. People won't get amazed by a city lighted up by electrical power. It's the other way around: people will ask "hey, why aren't there electricity here?" if he or she finds no electricity around her in some place, i don't know. Uhm, it's the same too with phones. One cannot leave his or her home without bringing a mobile phone. It's like leaving without taking your wallet with you


We rely on both too much now.

But it's okay. As long as service companies who delivers electricity and phone services can keep up with the growing demand, it's okay.

People will suffer huge losses when these services gets disrupted. It's not hard to agree on that.

This makes me wonder, uhm, how did people live centuries ago when there hadn't been any electricity? How did people arrange meetings when there weren't any phones? How on earth did they survive??


Blogger Unknown said...

i think it's really depend on how we used to live..
people can adapt. but people also lazy. it means, we always choose the easiest way..
adaptation level can be boosted by putting them in hard condition.
so, if we jump to the centuries ago, we will be pushed to live that way.. :p

but electricity is a great invention. isn't it? but we shouldn't rely on something too much.. (except our God, of course)

6:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats like questioning "how on earth peoples can make friend with those on different continent" many years ago.

Life's just different. We developed technology and it changes us. Amazing huh?

6:04 pm  
Blogger Endah Retnowati said...

mas irfan, aku dan mas lilik enggak punya handphone loh... mas lilik selama di sydney, sama sekali, enggak pake handphoe. aku di tahun pertama masih make sesuai fungsingya, di tahun kedua, udah gak pernah ngisi pulsa dan akhirnya... dirusakin ama AHnaf... dan aku pun enggak njuk beli baru... enggak begitu butuh dan merasa enggak begitu penting, tapi catat: bukan karena aku bukan orang penting ya... banyak yg komplen aku gak bisa dihubungi via HP. kalo begitu, hubungi via surat atau e-mail kek... hehe...

btw, supervisorku (profesor) enggak punya HP, co-sup baru beli HP beberapa bulan lalu setelah diangkat jadi HOS
ada temenku, anak PhD, bisa beli mobil mazda terbaru, harganya sing di atas 20rb jarene, rumahnya juga udah enggak nyicil rumah, aku tanyain nomer hp, dia bilang enggak punya...

10:53 am  

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