Hamas' Victory: Good News or Bad?
People from all over the world would have different reactions to the victory of Hamas in the recent Palestinian election, i suppose.
I just wish things can go well in the future, as pictured in the "Kingdom of Heaven" movie. Peace.
Palestinian (non-Fatah)
"Indeed this is great news. I hope we will soon be free from the aggression and suppression from Israel. I wish Jerusalem can once again be governed by Islamic Law."
Palestinians (Fatah)
"I'm not sure. I'm afraid that violence will never end a war."
"This means war!!!"
"We will never negotiate with terrorists or anyone threatening the well being of our ally (Israel)."
"Hamas was elected in a democratic manner, so they also should disarm. Violence and democracy contradicts one another."
"Palestinians are not ready for democracy just yet, i suppose."
Indonesians (Moderate)
"I hope the newly formed Palestinian Authority will continue negotiations without violence."
Indonesians (Less moderate)
"See? The US are hypocrites."
Indonesian (myself :D)
"Why does the US choose Israel as their ally? Hamas is indeed wrong for killing innocent civilians, but Israel did exactly the same thing to Palestinians as well, even worse. The only difference is that the Israelites were wearing formal military uniforms with heavy armour and guns when killing the Palestinian civilians."
I just wish things can go well in the future, as pictured in the "Kingdom of Heaven" movie. Peace.
Mas, bisa jelasin the significance ketika Hamas menanga pemilu? Apa efeknya dalam tatanan dunia internasional? :D Aku buta dalam masalah ini.
Aku sendiri bukan ahli masalah ini, Mon. Yg jelas Hamas itu kan dianggep teroris oleh US, EU, Israel, dan negara2 sekutunya. Tentu, kalo dari sudut pandang orang Palestina, Lebanon, dan mungkin kebanyakan warga Indonesia, Hamas dianggap sbg gerakan perjuangan kemerdekaan Palestina. Cuma sayangnya mereka menempuh cara2 kekerasan, termasuk thd warga sipil musuhnya.
Efek thd dunia? Menurutku gini:
- Palestina makin kuat kedudukannya (mandiri tidak diatur negara lain)
- Palestina makin rentan diserang negara lain, dgn dalih negara ini dipimpin gerombolan teroris.
- Timur tengah tetep tidak damai.
Oooooo, begitchu :D
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